Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Week 4

Today we began with a beautiful dreamtime story called Mermaid story (Dust Echoes) . There were no words just simple, soft music and it was the perfect was to start the lesson. It was about a man who goes walkabout and finds himself living with mermaids. He soon becomes lonely and wants to see his family. He must make a choice. He decides to go back to his family and that is the best choice. It is great for grade 5/6 and it will allow them to interpret the story to what they feel happened.

Our task today is to listen to a dreamtime story and using the ‘inspiration’ program, capture the key points and retell the story using images. This is clever way of doing an English retell and allows the students to use another method that will determine how they tell the story.

I really enjoyed this activity and I think that this is really important. If I have an interest and enjoyment then that will come through in my teaching and hopefully get the children enthused.

Counting M&M’s.

Using an M&M’s candy chart, there are many options for them. They can use mathematics by sorting the colours and counting and entering the data onto the chart. Due to food allergies that children may have you might have to resort to using fruit or vegetables such as peas or beans. From the chart they can then use Microsoft excel and place in a spreadsheet. However this does not mean that you can't use M&M’s. You just need to ensure that NO child is to eat them!.

I am ok with excel however having being shown again has just reiterated what I already know and refreshed my memory. Thanks Greg the activities that you have shown us today are things that I would never have thought of and are something that I think the students would really enjoy. It is different to their everyday routine and worksheets where I completely agree that they are not the best way for the students to learn. They need more stimulation and creation in their everyday education.

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