Tuesday, August 10, 2010

week 3

Design brief, the new design brief is set out as: Investigate/design, procedure....

The activity that we have to do in class today is to design a frog that jumps using ALL of the materials provided.

Those are: · Small portion of sticky tape

· frog picture

· piece of cardboard

· scissors

this is an excellent activity to get students thinking and creating. By having to complete a design brief it is moving towards higher order thinking skills and justify what they have created the ‘frog’ the in that particular way. It also allows for some healthy competition and encourages students to keep trying if it doesn't work the first time.

After much deliberation in our group we finally created a frog that jumps using all materials.
When having a look at how my peers had gone about creating the frog, it was interesting to see how many different designs can be created just with the same few materials. For those who finish early can always use larger pieces of card and design again.

Creating a game:

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User name: alwiley10Create a Quiz.

Today it is a multiple choice quiz. If you would like to complete my quiz on animals go to http://www.quia.com/quiz/2513861.html

The next activity we have the choice of creating out own :) I have decided to do jumbled words.
These shorts of activities are a good way to increase student’s ability to spell and their literacy skills.

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