Tuesday, October 19, 2010

week 5

Today we are going to create our own movies on various sites

the first site is  Zimmer Twins www.zimmertwins.com
How to create one:
1.      Go to make a movie 
2.      Make from scratch
3.      Then you can just simply select the icons that suits what you want to create for your story, then press play
I can’t believe how simple this program is to use. It is something that I would use in my classroom and I believe that the student’s would be really engaged in this activity. It allows them to become their own movie creator. You could use this in any domain for example, in English to retell a story or make a narrative. It also a good way to cater to all students abilities as some may have trouble writing a story from scratch, yet this program lets you simply create one.
It can also be used to create episodes or incorporate it into your maths, science and even art.

The idea with the program is to also create a movie, however unfortunately this is not suitable for primary school students as there are ‘x’ rated images and creations,  never the less it is a bit of fun anyway. Thanks Greg
1.       Select movie maker
2.       Click on the picture that says moviemaker v2
This is my creation:

Build your wild self is a wonderful program that will allow you to create your own unusual character with your own unusual name. Once the students have created their character,  It can be printed and put around the classroom.
From this you can extend the students learning depending on the year level. With the parts of the animal that they have chosen, and they may have used 5, they need to go and research these animals.  This is not just ICT but also art and literacy.

http://www.sketchswap.com/  is a great website to do some simple (or extravagant sketches depending on how arty you are) however once you have drawn your sketch and selected swap, you are unsure of what is going to come back. Luckily this is what came back for me:

Story games www.storygames.com  is a fantastic program as you fill in the spaces with pictures: Also called a rebus. Although there is a lot of pressure in schools today to push literacy and numeracy but we seem to be forgetting that programs such as there’s are also encouraging their literacy skills. Students can work and their own pace and can have a final draft in an hour. Reluctant writers gain a quick success, which they may not always feel. 
If you save the document as a webpage and past in into word the pictures can animate.

Click on this website www.reasonablyclever.com
1.       select mini-mizers
2.       Then select classic kid’s safe mini-mizers.
3.       They students can then create their own Lego character.
This program is sure to capture the students with the latest Play station games coming out in Lego such as Indian Jones, batman and even Harry potter. If the students feel as though they can create their very own character, this program is sure to be a big hit!
Although this is a good program, I would use real Lego first and then for the early finishers or for some free time they can use this program.

Here is some additional site that the students can go on at their leisure. They do have to be explained and have had the opportunity to play around with first, however for early finishers there will always be something for them to do.
For those who are into the environment http://www.catchmentdetox.net.au/
Schools are becoming more and more environmentally conscious so this is a good site that is fairly involved. It can be used for up to 6 months so why would I use it?! It may not directly relate to everything however it is a good tool to aid/ assist learning.
http://www.abc.net.au/rollercoaster/rollermache/ This is a good website to introduce animation because as it shows animations such as Shaun the sheep and Jane and the dragon which most of the students should be familiar with. However it should not be your only tool.

These types of programs are fabulous for students these days as they are immersed in technology. Hopefully by using these programs they will develop an appreciation for just how much work needs to be put in for just one character and even more so for a short animation.

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