Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Week 1

So today I learnt how to create my very own blog! A place for me to place all my thoughts about about this subject, what I have learnt and what I think can be useful in the future.

I need to remember that Google has a tendency to forget who people are. Lets hope that doesn't happen to me... so save, save, save into a word document!!!! Lets just hope that when I use this with a class of 25 students google doesn't forget them all. What a disaster that would be. However Greg did make a good point today that homework is not always necessary, yet a blog would be a good alternative. They can just write a reflection for themselves on what they have learnt and it can be there for them to look on in the future.

I can be at times computer illiterate. Thankfully using 'Print screen' to altering images in paint is something I remember from completing IT in year 9, otherwise I may have been a little lost. It is a handy tool to know and I will make sure this is something that my students know how to use.

Using Inspiration 8 IE is very new to me. It is a shame that when you buy on disc you only have the rights to that one program. If a school wants to use it, the will need to accommodate that into their budget which for some schools may not be a high priority.

With the program you can create a concept map or a mind map. There are so many different characters and options for you to chose that is can suit any curriculum at any age level. I had so much fun playing around with all of the different features of this program that I felt like a kid again. I found this program very easy to use and I just found out that this program can be explored in PowerPoint so I think I need to look into that further.
Another benefit of mind mapping and concept maps that students create is that their work can be printed out and placed around the room for everyone to see.

Something that I did not like about the program was the 'link' function. I found it hard to control where I wanted to arrows to lead to. What i do like about the program is that you can save the document into a word document using the transfer function. This is a good way for the student to take their work home and show their parents. What they have written in the text box is not lost as this will also appear in the document.

Although my image is basic, it was good for me to have a play around and test what worked and what didn't so that when I use this with my classroom I am aware of the flaws.

Having a walk around and looking at what others have done, I am impressed with how creative you can become.

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